Our Services and Expertise

Each of our Growing Changes team members are skilled professionals who will collaborate with your family, establish goal setting, and provide therapy in your child’s natural environment. We will work closely with you to support your child and family’s specific needs.

Access resources for your family by connecting with our multi-disciplinary therapists today:

  • occupational therapists

  • speech language pathologists

  • physical therapists

  • psychologists

  • behaviour consultants

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Occupational therapists (often called OTs) are the primary providers of occupational therapy services. Occupational therapy is a type of healthcare that helps to solve the problems that interfere with a person’s ability to do everyday tasks, like:

  • self care – getting dressed, eating, toilet training

  • being productive – going to school, participating in the community

  • leisure activities – playing, sports, social activities

  • sensory regulation – helping a child adjust and control their energy level, emotions, behaviours and attention so they can learn and develop appropriately

  • fine and gross motor skills – using utensils and fasteners on clothing, riding a bicycle


Speech language pathologists

Speech language pathologists (SLPs) screen, assess, identify and treat speech, language, voice, fluency, swallowing and feeding problems. Growing Changes’ speech language pathologists can help with:

  • speech delays and disorders, including articulation, phonology and motor speech disorders

  • language delays and disorders, including expression and comprehension in oral and non-verbal contexts

  • swallowing and feeding disorders

  • communication disorders, including social communication skills, reasoning, problem solving and executive functions

  • pre-literacy and literacy skills, including phonological awareness, decoding, reading comprehension and writing.


Physical therapists

Physical therapists (PTs) provide services that develop, maintain and restore children’s maximum movement and functional ability. They treat conditions related to genetic, neurological and orthopedic disorders.

Growing Changes’ physical therapists use techniques like functional training and exercise, along with medication and diet changes. Additionally, our physical therapists use specialized medical equipment that is designed to help treat and alleviate pain from conditions that hinder mobility.



Growing Changes’ psychologists work with children and adolescents to diagnose and help resolve issues causing emotional or behavioural problems. Psychological assessments can include many different aspects of how a child, parents and family functions:

  • intellectual/cognitive

  • interpersonal

  • emotional

  • behavioural

Treatments can focus on the individual child, parent or family therapy. Our psychologists can also provide treatments and expertise with:

  • behaviour management

  • play therapy

  • counselling to help adjust to handicaps and medical conditions


Behaviour Consultants

Behaviour consultants work with children who display emotional and challenging behaviors. The behaviour consultants at Growing Changes provide repeated practice of skills and implement behaviour strategies.


Therapy assistants

Our therapy assistants are able to provide children with repeated practice of their goals, as set out by supervising therapists. Growing Changes has trained occupational therapist assistants and speech language assistants to ensure each child gets a personalized plan unique to their development needs.


Therapists will work one on one or a team approach chosen based on the child and family needs.
